April 9, 2022
So what is GripTech? Well the brillant minds from NMD (Nick Mestriz Designs) and VS (Versus Project) Bodyboards have recently (and exclusively) developed thermoformed textured grips promote superior wax build up for enhanced hand traction.

In other words, unless you have some super human monkey grip this is for you. The GripTech will allow and extra build up of wax in those points of contact areas, helping you hang on in times of need. Or if you are one of these cool kids that dont need wax, then this is the perfect little addition for that textured feel of grip. Its a win win here from us at Inverted.
“I’m frothing on the new grips, less wax, more control, super comfortable and it makes you aware of the position of your back hand to help keep the style in check” - Dave Winchester (The Versus Project Bodyboards)

“I love this new feature on my boards. I’ve been testing it for about a year, and it works incredibly well. Bye bye hand slipping = More ripping!” - Ben Player (NMD Bodyboards)
This feature is available now on selected new range NMD and VS Bodyboards, shop online avaiable sizes and colours HERE!