Zion wetsuits boast high quality rubber alongside high quality riders of both surfboards and bodyboards. An increasingly popular label at current, Zion wetsuits have made a name (and a formidable one at that) for themselves via high end wetsuit production with sleek and modernised designs to go with. An all-star team of James Kates, Chris James, Dave Winchester, Lewy Finnegan, Jordan Putland, Jase Finlay and Sam Bennett means you can rest assured not only are you riding with the best, but you’re also shopping with the best. Running a---- nonchalant label means Zion hardly scream about their own quality and allow their customers to instead do it for them. Their humbleness in manufacturing, wave hunting and surfing over the years has earnt them huge respect in the industry and they retain their position now as one of, if not the most popular label within the bodyboarding market. Number one for style and comfort.
Working with the best materials available to their hands, the lovely gents at Zion wetsuits continue to manufacture high end wetsuits with soft and flexible rubber. Branching out into the surfing world as well as bodyboarding, now means Zion wetsuits are here to cater for all walks of life and are learning from both sporting environments. Their position in the market has grown from day one and continues to do so as they learn more as to what it is bodyboarders and surfers alike require to perform to their maximum potential between cold and warm water environments. These are Zion wetsuits are presented to you by Inverted Bodyboard shop. Enjoy.